Frequently Asked Questions

Guidelines for beer trading, giveaways, etc.

What is a go and a no in BdA

Razzles are a big nope
(selling slots for a highly sought after beer and raffling it off)

FT: ISO: encouraged
(For Trade/In search of)

Muling is highly encouraged
(paying people to pick up beer at a brewery or bottle shop for you. Like if the man, the myth the legend is at Great Notion and is able to snag a can for you . ALWAYS make sure to tip your mule unless specifically told otherwise.)

RNGs are encouraged
(random number generated giveaway. Having people pick or assigning numbers and number picked wins beer)

BIFs are encouraged
(beer it forward. Assigning trade partners and $ amounts for sending surprise beers)

No outright selling beer in this group, like a classified ad.

We have enough people in this group who are extremely experienced in the trade world and I’m sure they will be happy to help those new to it.

Closed Group

January 14th, 2019 – Important announcement:

As of today and going forward this group is now a closed group. Meaning what you post in here will only be seen by fellow members. So no fear of having your chugs, drinking habits or whatever being seen by the outside Facebook community.

Since we are closed now, this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a free for all in here. Keep it civilized. Imagine yourself in a bar setting. There will be cursing, but don’t be vulgar just for the sake of it.

This also means that if you want your friend in here, send an invite.

With this being said, someone give me a chug video!!!


What is #WYDBDA? Why it’s a hashtag of course that stands for “What (are) You Drinking Beer d’Alene?”

This is where we will post pics of what we are drinking as a comment in the daily #WYDBDA post. If you would like to share photos of what you’re drinking with the group, please use the comment section of the daily #WYDBDA.

If one hasn’t been started for the day, you can create one by clearly marking it #WYDBDA followed by the date.


#WYDBDA January 8th, 2020

Before starting a #WYDBDA, please check to make sure one hasn’t already been started. Moderators may add the current #WYDBDA to the announcements at the top of the feed, but this is done manually, so it’s helpful to also check the feed in case it hasn’t been pinned yet. Duplicates and posts that belong in the #WYDBDA may be deleted.



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